Pon - Pet 8.00-20.00
Mon - Fri 8.00-20.00
Sat, Sun Closed
Otorhinolaryngology is a science in medicine that studies and treats diseases of the ear, nose and throat. With the help of amnesia, the diagnosis is made by examining the ear, throat and nose. The most common diseases and disorders in ENT practice are so-called inflammatory diseases. This includes the outer and middle ear and the nostrils, tonsils and throat.
Examination by an otorhinolaryngologist is performed using several items where X-ray diagnosis is possible. Like any medical examination, first an inspection or examination begins, then palpation and finally scopia.
The main symptoms in the ears are pain, buzzing and leakage from the ear. In the throat, the main symptoms are pain, odynophagia (painful swallowing) and dysphagia (difficulty swallowing), cough and hoarseness. The most common symptoms in the nose: runny nose, blood, bad breath, inflamed sinuses and difficulty breathing.
- Auricle examination
- Examination of outer and inner ear canal and tympanic membrane
- Inflammation of outer and middle ear
- Sudden loss of hearing
- Background noises
- Vertigo
- Pharynx examination
- Gorge and throat cavity examination
- Mucosa inflammations of throat and tongue
- Illnesses related to saliva glands
- Tonsillitis and pharyngitis
- Swallowing problems
- Reflux – pharygitis
- Loss of voice and conditions of a hoarse voice
- Throat lymph node inflammations
- Throat cancer and polyps
- Examination of nose cavities
- Sinusitis
- Allergies related to respiratory tracts
- Heavy breathing
- Snoring
- Headaches
- Anosmia
- Nose bleedings
Specialist ORL
Book your appointment
- Ul. dr. Ante Starčevića 45
- info@marin-med.com
- +385 (0)20 400 500
- +385 (0)20 400 501